What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?

Join ania Massatt as she speaks about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.
This regressive hypnosis, revolutionary method was introduced by Dolores Cannon during her career which spanned over 45 years. It is a technique that enables you to access your inner self. Dolores called it the person's 'Subconscious', 'Higher Self' or the 'real you.' It is very wise and loving part of each of us. This part of you is always with you, it is never separate from you but with the conscious Mind veil - often not perceived. This part has the record of everything that has ever happened to you. It is a tremendous power in allowing you to see the things that could benefit you in this moment of your life.
Many of my clients have questions about the techniques that I am using. I decided to create a video about each of them, to make them familiar ad not "tabu" for others.
Please watch it, if you have any comments, don't hesitate to comment, contact me with questions.
As always, - thank you so much for watching my videos,
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quantum healing hypnosis technique,qhht,dolores cannonn qhht,dolores cannon hypnosis,somnambulistic hypnosis,ania massatt,mindful way studio,quantum healing,theta brain wave,alpha brain wave,healing,a
