Pictures at the Figge: a 21st century take on Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition

Pictures at the Figge: a 21st century take on Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition

In 1874, Modest Mussorgsky was inspired to compose Pictures at an Exhibition after attending a showing of Viktor Hartmann's art. Today, patients of the Genesis Cancer Center Institute can be inspired by a virtual tour of the Figge Art Museum with Genie the Robot. With help from the Living Proof Exhibit and BeamPro, Genie takes us on a tour to see her version of Pictures at an Exhibition at the Figge Art Museum.
Special thanks to the Figge Art Museum, Genesis Health Systems, Living Proof Exhibit, and BeamPro.
Produced by Marc Zyla and Nicolas Propes
Filmed and edited by Nicolas Propes

Quad City,Symphony,Orchestra,Figge,Art,Museum,Pictures at an Exhibition,Mussorgsky,Genesis Health,BeamPro,Living Proof Exhibit,Viktor Hartmann,Genie,Cancer Care Institute,
