Grandma's pocketbook: A life lesson in not wasting time

Grandma's pocketbook: A life lesson in not wasting time

Chaz's Video Blog: Grandma's pocketbook: A life lesson in not wasting time. Sadly, grandma has passed away. I am still processing this devastating loss, but gratefully all of the lessons she taught me and wisdom she instilled are rising to the surface. One lesson was in how to be as EFFICIENT with your time so you could be the most EFFECTIVE in executing the task at hand. Her pocketbook was a representation of that. She had every conceivable item in that thing, and everything, from the nail files to the sewing kit, was organized and upright, ready to be taken out in a moment's notice. This was how she operated in life. Never waste a moment. Stay organized. Work and work to accomplish what you need to in order to move forward in your life, and when you are done with all you can do in that moment, REST! She had mastered being effective with time. Even her funeral plans were meticulously mapped out so that I could be as effective as possible with orchestrating flying her body back home. To the end, she maximized her time here on Earth, and she would want the same for you. So are you being as efficient as you can? Are you being effective at achieving goals, on either a spiritual, emotional, or professional level? Or are you wasting time being afraid or 2nd guessing your self? Complacency and success cannot live in the same house. :) May Gram rest in peace, and may she continue to push me to work wisely and recharge whenever necessary.
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Grandma's pocketbook: A life lesson in not wasting time
